There are several ways by which you can get suitable help for obtaining Visa from the Visa consulate. The Visa Consulate is the concerned organization which requires you to submit the necessary documentation in order to commence the process. If you are looking for a UK Visa, you can also take the help of suitable firms who aid in the visa processing. These companies will at first take an eligibility test to find out whether you are eligible for the process. The eligibility tests comprise of a series of questions or a mock interview session which highlights your weak areas if any, before you go for the actual process.
The visa documentation process
Once you are eligible you can go for the Visa processing. You can approach directly to the consulate for the process or access through the firms. The firms have their access to the British High Commission and are well versed in this process. Hence they can guide you in the entire process. The UK visa from South Africa suggests that you need to submit your set of entire documents comprising of both academic and employment details for applying to the process. You have to fill up an online application form and pay the online application fee. You will have to present certificates of your physical fitness and submit colored passport size photos.
Personal interview at consulate
You also need to show evidences of your financial stability so that the consulate is assured that you can manage well financially during your period of stay in the concerned country. The Visa firms can also help you with suitable questionnaire and mock interviews which help you to crack the personal interview process. Once you successfully complete the interview process UK visa from South Africa requires you to wait for the Visa processing. A time of 2 to 3 days will be taken for the firm to process the Visa after which you will have to submit your passport.